Thursday, January 12, 2017

Week 7 Update

Not much to report, really.  Today's x-rays show strong evidence that the bone is filling in as it should, the hardware has remained perfectly in-place, and that all is well with the dimensions of the joint - meaning I should be spared the garish limp that once got Kevin cut off at a pub before he'd even had one sip.  I am still not allowed to put ANY weight on the leg for another 6 weeks (so I am still off work) I was cautioned against excessive use in order to give the meniscus plenty of time to re-seat, so no working out on the stationary bike or vacuuming.  I am allowed to swim (without kicking), and I was given the all-clear to fly.

Speaking of flying and swimming, my most wonderful and darling friend is giving me the run of his luxury high-rise condo in Miami for 10 days of blissfully healing warm air and soothing sub-tropical humidity!  Although Kevin keeps the wood stove a-blazin', the chill and gloom of winter in Shingletown is beginning to dampen my spirits.  When my friend offered his flat (and by offered, I mean said yes when I begged), I felt like I was given a new lease on hope, something to liven up daydreams, which have lately been confined to wondering what I might eat for dinner.  Of course, I will still wonder what's for dinner in Miami, but I will be wearing far less clothing while I do it sitting by the pool and my options will be much expanded to include Cuban sandwiches and Stone Crab.

Speaking of Shingletown dining options - my fantabulous work-mates chipped in and organized a huge delivery of fun food-stuffs from Trader Joes, which has turned out to be a wonderful life saver on stormy nights when inspiration and raw ingredients are in short supply.  They also sent me some meals from Blue Apron - which should arrive today - I'll report back later on that experience.

Oh wait - hang on, I think FedEx just knocked on the door...I'll be right back.

Hey, here's a bit of fun:

Just in time - my tummy is grumbling.

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